ABC News: Gluten-Free Diets No Help in Losing Weight
A new report from ABC News states that According to National Institutes of Health statistics, about 1 percent of the population has celiac disease, a condition for which eating gluten brings on major gastrointestinal distress and myriad other symptoms, however nearly 30 percent of American’s say they are trying to cut gluten out of their diet.
With many people following the gluten-free fad, they don’t realize what happens when they remove gluten from their diet!
Margaret Weiss, the clinical manager of the Kogan Celiac Center at Barnabas Health, noted that if you are expecting weight loss by cutting gluten out of your diet, you will be disappointed.
“You have to replace the gluten with something so the majority of processed gluten-free products are held together with oil, butter and eggs,” Weiss pointed out. “They tend to be higher in fat, calories and sugar, and lower in fiber, vitamins and minerals.”
The full article goes on to say that gluten-free diets were never intended to help those following them loose weight, they are intended to help those who suffer from celiac disease or a gluten intolerance. You can view the full article on the ABC News website.