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In The News
One Pot Holiday Meal Ideas

Not feeling up to preparing a complex, multi-course holiday meal this year?  Been asked to bring a side dish and you don’t have lots of time or any ideas for what to prepare?  Having a quiet, small meal and want an easy, yet hearty recipe for yourself or your guests?  Have no fear!  Pasta is […]

In The News
Switch Up Your Go-To Appetizers – with Pasta!

It’s the season of celebrating – and with that comes plenty of holiday parties! Whether you’re hosting a cocktail party or a big family dinner, everyone loves appetizers. This year, surprise your guests by switching up your go-to hors d’oeuvres with some unique new ideas! Below are some unique appetizer suggestions that are sure to […]

How to Pump Up Your Pasta with Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient required for your body to run smoothly and efficiently.  Among its many benefits, protein is required for healthy skin and hair, strong muscles and bones and fighting off illnesses by keeping your immune system in tip top shape.  When it comes to eating, high-protein foods can satisfy a hungry appetite.  […]

Diet, In The News
Which Diet is Best for You?

Low-fat, low-carb, paleo, vegetarian – with so many options available, how do you know which is the best to choose? Some people who shed extra pounds effortlessly on the newest diet craze, while others struggle for weeks without an ounce lost. What is the answer? Listen to your body! Pasta Fits RD Diane Welland explains […]

Make a Sustainable Meal Choice with Pasta and Pulses

Whether you make pasta for its delicious taste, health benefits, or affordability, you’re also making an environmentally friendly meal choice. When combined with pulses, another sustainable and healthy food group made up of the edible seeds of legume plants, this meal can be an excellent “green” choice that reduces your carbon footprint on the environment. […]

Pasta Spotlight

Q&A With Amanda Biddle of Striped Spatula

For our March Pasta Spotlight, we chatted with food blogger, Amanda Biddle of Striped Spatula. We asked her all about what it takes to become a food blogger, how she creates her own original recipes, and her favorite foods for this time of year. Read on for all of Amanda’s advice. 1. Where do you […]

Q&A with Amy Riolo, Mediterranean Diet advocate and Cookbook Author

This month, we sat down with Amy Riolo, author, chef, television personality, cuisine and culture expert, educator, and Mediterranean Diet expert. We chatted with Amy about how the Mediterranean Diet is part of a healthy lifestyle, what pasta means to her, and how pasta is prepared in foreign countries. Read below for all Amy had to say! 1. […]

Q&A With Giulia Scarpaleggia of Jul’s Kitchen

This month, we sat down with Giulia Scarpaleggia, a Tuscan food writer, photographer, and blogger. We chatted with Giulia about traditional Tuscan food, her holiday food traditions, and her favorite pasta recipe. Read below for all that Giulia had to say. 1. What kinds of traditional Tuscan appetizers do you recommend that work well with a […]

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