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Diet, In The News
VIDEO: The Formula for Perfect Pasta

We’re so excited to debut the first installment of our ongoing pasta tips video series! In this video, Tina Ruggiero, the chef and registered dietitian responsible for our featured recipe each week shares the secret formula that will get you perfectly cooked pasta. We asked our fans what cooking tips and information they were dying to know and we will release a new video answering your questions!

In The News
Party with Pasta: Celebrate, It’s National Pasta Month!

To celebrate National Pasta Month this October, Pasta Fits has launched a contest where visitors simply vote on their favorite pasta party meal for a chance to win a cash prize! To enter, simply visit our Facebook page or contest page and fill in your information. Pasta Fits will also be launching a new video series offering insider cooking tips and ideas.

In The News
Easy ‘One Pot’ Meals for Fall from Martha Stewart

Fall is officially here, and there’s no better way to beat the dropping temperatures than with a warm homemade meal. On this morning’s Today Show, Martha Stewart shared her favorite comfort food dishes from her new book “One Pot.” These recipes are perfect for fall—once you’re done eating, you only have one pot to clean!

Pasta Spotlight

Q&A on Pasta and Exercise with Kim Hoban, RD

For many athletes, September also marks the beginning of Fall running season, as the cool weather makes Fall the optimal training season for long-distance events. We’ve asked registered dietitian, Kim Hoban to weigh-in on how to choose foods to fuel training!

Eat Well, Have Fun, and Keep Moving: Summer of Healthy Living

Pasta Fits fans flooded our recent “Pasta Fits Me” Pinterest contest with wonderful images of how they are creating healthy meals, staying active and making memories this summer.  Registered Dietitian Diane Welland offers the following tips reflecting the top trends seen from our contest’s leading boards.  Read below for some tips on healthy living. Color […]

Q&A with “The Gourmet Nutritionist”: Tina Ruggiero

Tina Ruggiero, “The Gourmet Nutritionist” works closely with the Pasta Fits team to bring you recipes that you will love and that fit into your healthy lifestyle. As we transition to warmer weather, Tina has some advice as to how to stay fit, eat well, and enjoy your summer!  1.      With summer upon us, can […]

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